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Click here to see the finalists of the 2007 World Challenge competition for examples of the types of projects we are looking for.
Each nomination must fall under one of the following categories:
This is the broadest category: small and medium-sized businesses that are making profits for the benefit and welfare of communities ranging from neighbourhoods to villages to urban area and can include recycling as a business, manufacture of biodegradable goods, eco-tourism, protection and revival of small scale fisheries, employment of handicapped and other disadvantaged people.
Preventive health care such as effective sanitation, clean water provision, low cost health care, alternative medicines and health care that are proven effective, new cures and treatment; education with practical applications and education which promotes gender equality and education for the disadvantaged.
Agricultural businesses and projects that have a prime emphasis on soil health and fertility, lasting returns, wildlife friendliness, good nutrition, crop and domestic animal diversity, water efficiency, agro-forestry, equitable distribution of income, fair and efficient marketing, innovation in lessening dependence on chemical inputs, avoidance of animal cruelty (such as free range).
New and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, wave, hydro, hydrogen and thermal. Applications including energy efficient transport, cooking and domestic and industrial uses. Cost-saving measures inclusive of fuel efficient stoves, insulation, efficient uses of fossil fuels and integrated power systems.
Sustainable and equitable use of salt as well as freshwater resources such as preventing pollution and microbial contamination from households, farms and factories; treating polluted and 'grey water' for re-use; rainwater harvesting and other forms of water conservation and augmentation; conservation of wetlands, marshes and coastal zones as well as protection of local fisheries for the benefit of the disadvantaged.
Essentially all environmentally-sound businesses and projects not falling into the previous five categories. Primarily, these will consist of those endeavours that have a positive impact on the environment by either creating conditions for this to occur or curtailing past practices that were injurious to the environment
The winning project/small business will receive a US$20,000 grant to help it grow and develop even further. The two projects/small businesses selected as runners-up will each receive a US$10,000 grant to help develop their projects/small businesses.
Each grant will be awarded to one person nominated by the relevant project/small business to represent the project/small business and accept the grant on its behalf (the 'Representatives'?), and BBC World, Newsweek and the Jury accept no obligation to any other people linked to the project/small business.
In the event of a tie for first place, the top two Finalists will receive a grant of $15,000 each and the third Finalist will receive a grant of $10,000.
The Representatives will be brought to The Hague, The Netherlands to receive the grants. The grants will be awarded by BBC World in an awards ceremony which will be filmed and shown as the last programme in the World Challenge series on the BBC World channel (the "Ceremony").
التسميات: awards, business, competition